From Studentship at the Faculty of Medicine to Software Development: Ozan President's Story


From Studentship at the Faculty of Medicine to Software Development: Ozan President's Story

Yours Ozan President We want to introduce you to! She started her career in software in January 2021 when she was a 5th year student in medical school and then started working as a software developer after meeting and finishing the Backend Web Development Path with Java! We wanted to hear from him this adventure!

Can you introduce yourself to us in your own words?

Hello, I am Ozan, I have had an interest and curiosity in science and mathematics as long as I knew myself. I always ask questions and approach skeptically to understand every topic I'm interested in. My curiosity and scientific perspective is the most important characteristic that makes me who I am. The things I enjoy doing the most are helping people, learning new things, reading utopia and intrigue type books, reading scientific papers, playing online competitive games and writing code.

When did you become acquainted with software as a medical school student?

I started the software in January 2021 and I can say that I have improved myself quickly. I was a 5th grade Medical student at this time. Although I have always had an interest in computer science alongside the part I studied, I have not had the strength to change things in my life because I could not get out of my comfort zone. My girlfriend made me get out of my comfort zone. At the same time, when I was studying fifth grade, I improved myself a lot in a very short time. About a month ago I quit my job as a medical intern and days ago I started my first job as a software developer.

When did you cross paths with What lessons did you take here?

I met about 2 months ago. What I want to learn Backend Web Development Path with Java I finished it, and then I put it on it myself. In addition, various activities that were carried out in my acquaintance with the industry helped me. It has a nice environment, I have also had the chance to help other people here and I have made friends. I can say that it helped me a lot in getting into an industry I didn't know.

What did you experience while you were taking trail trainings and how was your journey inside LaunchPad?

In LaunchPad I have helped friends who ask questions on topics I know, I am happy when I help people, I can say that it has been useful to me in this regard. I can also say that at the events that took place in the evenings, I learned a lot of useful information, listened to good experiences.

If you are currently working as a Software Developer, how do you feel?

It took me a while to get used to being in a different environment on my first day, but right now I feel like I'm in control of my life. I can feel like I can do anything with the code I write. I realized the better after I started working how much I improved myself. I built a very large project from scratch in a short time and advanced it quite a bit. I constantly share my knowledge with my colleagues and help them.

What advice would you give to people who come from different departments or work experiences and want to switch to software?

If they're going to do the software to make money, I can suggest they don't. If they love this job, they will want to learn more as they already learn, but I know that even for these people there can be times when the process is very challenging. In such times you can get friends to support you and share your experiences. You can try to reach the people you exemplify from platforms like Linkedln and communicate with them. You can share your story, participate in events or make friends on platforms like If you are having problems socially, it will be a more difficult process for you. Try to overcome your social problems, work harder if you fail, but you must expand your circle, even if it is minimal. I say keep your path clear, it is impossible for you not to succeed if you do not stop working.

If you are also inspired by the story of Ozan President, all our trainings from here You can get there and you can start your journey on the trails of your choice!

Our advice to our participants

From Studentship at the Faculty of Medicine to Software Development: Ozan President's Story

Tıp Fakültesi öğrenciliğinden yazılım geliştiriciliğine geçiş hikayesini Ozan Başkan'ın kendisinden dinlemek istedik!

From Studentship at the Faculty of Medicine to Software Development: Ozan President's Story

Yours Ozan President We want to introduce you to! She started her career in software in January 2021 when she was a 5th year student in medical school and then started working as a software developer after meeting and finishing the Backend Web Development Path with Java! We wanted to hear from him this adventure!

Can you introduce yourself to us in your own words?

Hello, I am Ozan, I have had an interest and curiosity in science and mathematics as long as I knew myself. I always ask questions and approach skeptically to understand every topic I'm interested in. My curiosity and scientific perspective is the most important characteristic that makes me who I am. The things I enjoy doing the most are helping people, learning new things, reading utopia and intrigue type books, reading scientific papers, playing online competitive games and writing code.

When did you become acquainted with software as a medical school student?

I started the software in January 2021 and I can say that I have improved myself quickly. I was a 5th grade Medical student at this time. Although I have always had an interest in computer science alongside the part I studied, I have not had the strength to change things in my life because I could not get out of my comfort zone. My girlfriend made me get out of my comfort zone. At the same time, when I was studying fifth grade, I improved myself a lot in a very short time. About a month ago I quit my job as a medical intern and days ago I started my first job as a software developer.

When did you cross paths with What lessons did you take here?

I met about 2 months ago. What I want to learn Backend Web Development Path with Java I finished it, and then I put it on it myself. In addition, various activities that were carried out in my acquaintance with the industry helped me. It has a nice environment, I have also had the chance to help other people here and I have made friends. I can say that it helped me a lot in getting into an industry I didn't know.

What did you experience while you were taking trail trainings and how was your journey inside LaunchPad?

In LaunchPad I have helped friends who ask questions on topics I know, I am happy when I help people, I can say that it has been useful to me in this regard. I can also say that at the events that took place in the evenings, I learned a lot of useful information, listened to good experiences.

If you are currently working as a Software Developer, how do you feel?

It took me a while to get used to being in a different environment on my first day, but right now I feel like I'm in control of my life. I can feel like I can do anything with the code I write. I realized the better after I started working how much I improved myself. I built a very large project from scratch in a short time and advanced it quite a bit. I constantly share my knowledge with my colleagues and help them.

What advice would you give to people who come from different departments or work experiences and want to switch to software?

If they're going to do the software to make money, I can suggest they don't. If they love this job, they will want to learn more as they already learn, but I know that even for these people there can be times when the process is very challenging. In such times you can get friends to support you and share your experiences. You can try to reach the people you exemplify from platforms like Linkedln and communicate with them. You can share your story, participate in events or make friends on platforms like If you are having problems socially, it will be a more difficult process for you. Try to overcome your social problems, work harder if you fail, but you must expand your circle, even if it is minimal. I say keep your path clear, it is impossible for you not to succeed if you do not stop working.

If you are also inspired by the story of Ozan President, all our trainings from here You can get there and you can start your journey on the trails of your choice!


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