Akbank became the first financial institution in Turkey launching its own web3 talent program


In September, Akbank and Patika.dev launched the Akbank web3 Practicum to train new generation of web3 talent in Turkey. The program aimed to increase the knowledge and applications of blockchain technology especially among programmers.

Akbank is leading the first-of-its-kind web3 invitiatives in Turkey as one of the pioneers in the financial sector. They first started with ReFi Turkey. ReFi Turkey is an initiative by Akbank Lab and imece to discuss the financial innovations in web3. In addition, Akbank Lab recently organized a ReFi Hackathon with Avalanche. Following that, they have realized the importance of onboarding technical talent to web3 and so partnered with Patika.dev for a web3 practicum. The practicum aimed to train new generation talent on web3 fundamentals and smart contract development with Solidity.

The practicum received 1,500 applications, 350 of which  were accepted to a 4week free online training. The practicum was open to anyone who is interested in development, and we were pleasantly surprised by the interest of high school students!

Apart from the online pathway, we supported participants with a mentor who was available for Q&A on a Discord channel and office hours. At the end of the training, 100 people wrote their first smart contract and started building their first web3 projects! 

Akbank Learning Experience Designer Caner Güral said, “Akbank constantly evaluates the potential of web3 to the advancement of our world. To have powerful ideas and use cases, we need well-trained developers, designers, and business people. Patika.dev has proved its innovative product and success in training and engaging young people in technology for years. So, we opened this training with Patika.dev and introduced hundreds of new talent  to web3.” 

About Akbank Youth Academy

Akbank Youth Academy supports young people with trainings in technology for the competencies of the future by collaborating with leading companies and social enterprises in many fields. Different projects, trainings and programs are carried out to prepare young people for the future in the best way possible during the program.

About Patika and Practicums

Patika provides cohort-based training and hiring solutions to companies for tech talent. Since its inception in March 2021, Patika has helped 100+ companies launch 120+ talent programs where these companies were able to train-then-hire 3,000+ developers in cohorts.

Practicum is a model of project-based learning and cohort-based hiring, where companies provide training and assess candidates’ skills before they make hiring decisions. 

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