This pre-training program will prepare you for the upcoming 2-month ZKU.ONE course in May. Our goal is to help you practice Solidity and submit the background assignment to be accepted to the ZKU.ONE.
Everyone! - no matter your education level, age, country, you’re welcome!
There are only 2 requirements:
- Good JavaScript knowledge.
- Good English language comprehension skills.
If you also have a good Solidity practice - great! But if you don’t know Solidity, don’t worry: This pre-training is for you to learn.
Pre-training will start on April 8, but you can join by April 25.
Curriculum will include
- Main concepts
- Solidity tutorials
This program is a self-learning process. The students will be supporting each other on our Discord community.
Değerlendirme sürecinde hangi adaylar önceliklendirilecek?
- Teknik testte yüksek puan alan adaylar
- Başvuru formundaki, sponsor şirkete, geçmiş tecrübeye dair sorulara özenli cevap veren adaylar
- Daha önceden en az 100 saat kodlama yapmış olan ve bootcamp ile ilgili konuda daha önceden kendisini geliştirmeye başlamış, somut örnekleri olan adaylar
- LinkedIn profili profesyonel hazırlanmış ve GitHub profillerinde projeleri olan adaylar
Not: Bootcamp alanında sektörde 2 yıldan fazla tecrübesi olan adaylar sınıfın ortalama seviyesinden çok yukarıda olduğu için eleniyor. Bu adayları doğrudan işe alım için sponsor şirkete yönlendirebiliyoruz.
Once you submit the background assessment successfully, ZKU.ONE will accept you its own 2-month course.
ZKU.ONE is an online course and informal study group, for software developers to learn how to build market-ready products in web3 using zero-knowledge proof technology. The goal is to launch a ZK-product on mainnet within a couple of months.
The course pays up to $3,000 for course participation to each student. Details are on this video.
ZKU.ONE is funded with Harmony’s $300 Million Grant Fund, via zkDAO. Our mission is to provide free online training and basic income for zk-developers.
ZK has the potential for revolutionizing how crypto ecosystems are engineered and engaged with. By verifying the correctness of computations without knowledge transfer, ZK enables development of a new class of faster and more scalable protocols (such as in the case of ZK-rollups).
Find out more here: