and Sabancı University-Blockchain & Finance Club Partners up to Spread Web3 Education


About Patika web3

Launched in March 2022, Patika web3 aims to build one of the most structured onboarding experiences for developers of web3. We work with the leading web3 ecosystems to introduce developers to new technologies and help them launch their projects & careers. We’ve already built successful partnerships with NEAR and Harmony ZKU.ONE, helping 2,600+ developers across 64 countries take their first steps into web3 technologies.

In these two months, we’ve been amazed by the openness of web3 communities. Sabancı University-Blockchain & Finance Club (SUBChain) was one of them. We believe we should benefit from this momentum to onboard more people to web3, help them understand the implications of this new technology on our world, and make more informed career decisions.

So, today we are happy to announce our partnership with SUBChain! 

About Sabancı University Blockchain & Finance Club

Sabancı University Blockchain Club was founded in 2018 by students interested in blockchain technology. It's been run by students who are devoted to blockchain and its principles like decentralization, transparency and anonymity. SUBChain is one of the biggest clubs of Sabancı University with more than 250 members. It aims to contribute to the ecosystem by increasing the adaptation of this new technology, building projects, and organizing events such as training, workshops, community meetings and networking.

Our plans together

Together, we plan to amplify each other’s work and organise various educational activities. We believe our efforts will be stronger together. 

Call to action for other communities

If you want your organization / club / community to be involved in similar partnerships, please reach out to us by filling out this short form or email me at! 

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