Focused Mode and Messy Mode: Understanding the Brain Power of Developers
Yazılım mühendisliği ve programlama öğrenirken, beynin iki temel modunu anlamak çok önemli.
When learning software engineering and programming, understanding two basic modes of the brain is not only important, but can also directly affect your success in this process: Focused mode and dispersed mode.
Focused mode, as the name implies, comes into play when you focus your attention on a specific topic or problem. This mode is especially critical in tasks such as understanding algorithms, deciphering complex pieces of code, or learning a new programming language. The prefrontal cortex of the brain is at the center of this mode and governs sequential, logical thinking processes. For example, when a software developer is faced with a debugging task, focused mode requires just that kind of analytical and detail-oriented thinking.
The diffuse mode, on the other hand, comes into play in moments when the mind is more relaxed and free. This mode is usually activated when walking, taking a shower or during other relaxing activities. Messy mode brings creative solutions and 'aha' moments that are often overlooked in the problem-solving process. This mode establishes more free and random connections between different regions of the brain, thus allowing previously unthought ideas and solutions to emerge. For example, during a break after hours of working on a programming problem, suddenly the solution to the problem may come to your mind.
In the process of software learning, adopting various learning methods can help you effectively use both focused and dispersed modes:
Reading books and watching educational videos is especially useful when learning a new programming language or trying to understand a complex concept. A variety of resources, such as online lectures, webinars, and interactive learning platforms, cater to different learning styles and allow you to address topics from different angles.
Taking breaks after prolonged periods of focus and engaging in different activities reinvigorates your mind and helps diffuse mode kick in. This can be walking, meditation, hobby activities or even a short nap. These activities relax your mind and prepare the ground for the emergence of creative solutions.
Repeating the learned subjects and studying them from different angles allows the information to remain in long-term memory. Particularly challenging concepts and algorithms are better understood when reinforced with different examples and applications.
When learning software, making a balanced transition between focused and dispersed modes of the brain enriches the learning process and makes it more effective. Courses and tutorials offered on platforms like help you learn software using these two modes in a balanced way. These courses combine theoretical knowledge with practical applications, allowing you to effectively use both focused and dispersed modes. Thus, you can make faster and more effective progress in your software learning process.
We would like to thank our student Selçuk Erdoğan, who wrote this blog. You can check out his blog at Patika Academy here:
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