From Chemical Engineering to Frontend Development: The Story of İpek Efendiev


From Chemical Engineering to Frontend Development: The Story of İpek Efendiev

Silk EfendievShe graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology. She participated in the bootcamp we held with 90Pixel and successfully completed her work as a Frontend Developer Intern in the 90Pixel team!

We also wanted to listen to Ipek's journey for ourselves!

Can you introduce yourself to us in your own words?

Hi, I'm Silk. I just graduated from Chemical Engineering. I have been interested in software development for about 1 year and I am pursuing this dream. I like to add new things to myself. I ride a bike in my free time and enjoy being in nature. We are currently developing a React project at 90Pixel with my trainee friends.

When did you become acquainted with software as a Chemical Engineer?

When I was in the 3rd grade of college, I got acquainted with software thanks to a friend. I had a distant curiosity, but I had never stepped forward to do so. I started learning Python as a hobby. On the one hand, while I was teaching my Chemical Engineering department classes, at the same time, dealing with software was beginning to affect my plans going forward because I liked coding. My Python studies gave way to web development with JavaScript. Finally, I decided to turn to Frontend.

When did you cross paths with What lessons did you take here?

I was following We Code and what they were doing. Then I saw the bootcamp event with and 90Pixel. I applied here and started the Frontend Web Development Path. Here I finished all 3 series, JavaScript, React Basics, and Projects. I think these lessons were very useful to me, I really enjoyed their content.

How was your 90Pixel bootcamp journey, what did you experience?

The people on the Discord channel were very helpful. We had a nice dialogue with the participants and I had the opportunity to ask about where I hung out without hesitation. I also had the opportunity to see and review the assignments that other friends were doing, so that I was able to contribute even more to myself. One of the most important aspects of Bootcamp was the weekend trainings provided by mentors and instructors. At the same time, when we asked questions in places where we hung out, we were able to get an answer immediately, so that the training was efficient. I learned new technologies and thanks to Pathika, my GitHub began to fill up with small projects that I did:) This was one of the things that motivated me.

You've just started working as a Frontend Developer Intern, how do you feel?

First of all, I'm very happy, I never thought I'd be able to get this far. It's an incredible opportunity for me. Everyone is very helpful and I feel that we are improving ourselves day by day. The team is great, I hope we will come up with a very nice project:)

What advice would you give to people who come from different departments or work experiences and want to switch to software?

I think that the friends involved should definitely not miss Pathika's bootcamps. Because the trainings are organized and mentoring support is very useful. I was hesitant to turn to software from the field I graduated from, but I liked it more and more as I accomplished something. In this way, although I was challenged, my interest never waned and I continued to learn without stopping. I still have a long way to go. So my advice is that if you are interested and willing to give your time, surely take that first step the rest will come.

If you also want to take a step into the software world like İpek and get the opportunity to settle in a job by participating in bootcamps, open for application to bootcamps from here you can browse!

Our advice to our participants

From Chemical Engineering to Frontend Development: The Story of İpek Efendiev

90Pixel Bootcamp mezunu İpek Efendiev'in hikayesini kendinden dinlemek istedik!

From Chemical Engineering to Frontend Development: The Story of İpek Efendiev

Silk EfendievShe graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology. She participated in the bootcamp we held with 90Pixel and successfully completed her work as a Frontend Developer Intern in the 90Pixel team!

We also wanted to listen to Ipek's journey for ourselves!

Can you introduce yourself to us in your own words?

Hi, I'm Silk. I just graduated from Chemical Engineering. I have been interested in software development for about 1 year and I am pursuing this dream. I like to add new things to myself. I ride a bike in my free time and enjoy being in nature. We are currently developing a React project at 90Pixel with my trainee friends.

When did you become acquainted with software as a Chemical Engineer?

When I was in the 3rd grade of college, I got acquainted with software thanks to a friend. I had a distant curiosity, but I had never stepped forward to do so. I started learning Python as a hobby. On the one hand, while I was teaching my Chemical Engineering department classes, at the same time, dealing with software was beginning to affect my plans going forward because I liked coding. My Python studies gave way to web development with JavaScript. Finally, I decided to turn to Frontend.

When did you cross paths with What lessons did you take here?

I was following We Code and what they were doing. Then I saw the bootcamp event with and 90Pixel. I applied here and started the Frontend Web Development Path. Here I finished all 3 series, JavaScript, React Basics, and Projects. I think these lessons were very useful to me, I really enjoyed their content.

How was your 90Pixel bootcamp journey, what did you experience?

The people on the Discord channel were very helpful. We had a nice dialogue with the participants and I had the opportunity to ask about where I hung out without hesitation. I also had the opportunity to see and review the assignments that other friends were doing, so that I was able to contribute even more to myself. One of the most important aspects of Bootcamp was the weekend trainings provided by mentors and instructors. At the same time, when we asked questions in places where we hung out, we were able to get an answer immediately, so that the training was efficient. I learned new technologies and thanks to Pathika, my GitHub began to fill up with small projects that I did:) This was one of the things that motivated me.

You've just started working as a Frontend Developer Intern, how do you feel?

First of all, I'm very happy, I never thought I'd be able to get this far. It's an incredible opportunity for me. Everyone is very helpful and I feel that we are improving ourselves day by day. The team is great, I hope we will come up with a very nice project:)

What advice would you give to people who come from different departments or work experiences and want to switch to software?

I think that the friends involved should definitely not miss Pathika's bootcamps. Because the trainings are organized and mentoring support is very useful. I was hesitant to turn to software from the field I graduated from, but I liked it more and more as I accomplished something. In this way, although I was challenged, my interest never waned and I continued to learn without stopping. I still have a long way to go. So my advice is that if you are interested and willing to give your time, surely take that first step the rest will come.

If you also want to take a step into the software world like İpek and get the opportunity to settle in a job by participating in bootcamps, open for application to bootcamps from here you can browse!


Partner şirketlerimiz, kendilerine özel Patika bootcamp’lerinden toplu işe alım yapıyor. Bu ücretsiz bootcamp'lere katıl, başarıyla mezun ol, ve hemen işe başla! Şu ana kadar binlerce kişi bootcamp'lerden sonra en iyi şirketlerde işe girdi.

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